Call for Papers: Ausgabe 2 Jahrgang 2: Translation und der Zweite Weltkrieg


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Dear Colleagues,

Studying the history of translation is a practice taking place in the present – a present trying to understand itself by looking at its past. In order to facilitate this understanding, Chronotopos introduces a new section: On a regular basis, Chronotopos will include thematic foci in its issues that bring together papers on a specific topic related to the history of translation and interpreting. This way, Chronotopos can function as a discursive hub and create reference points for future projects. Since 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, the first focus will be on the relationship between translation and World War II. Chronotopos asks all interested authors for contributions dealing with this relationship in one way or another. Possible questions include, but are not limited to:

  • What role did translation and interpreting play during events related to World War II?
  • In what way did translation contribute to the rise and spread of National Socialist ideology? And how did translation contribute to resistance movements?
  • What specific methodological problems arise when doing research on this topic?
  • What meta language is appropriate? Are typical metaphors for translation (e. g. bridge-building) an option for this context? How do we deal with categories such as “Jew/Jewish”, if their use by the Nazis has produced the historical realities we want to study?
  • How are the events and experiences of World War II related to the emergence of translation studies as an academic discipline?

Issues with a thematic focus will still contain regular publications (papers, book reviews, conference reports), so please do not refrain from handing in work dealing with other topics of the history of translation and interpreting.

We encourage authors to write their contributions in their first language! For languages other than the Chronotopos working languages English, French and German please inform the editors beforehand.

Please refer to the website to learn more about the journal.

Please fill out the reader registration form to subscribe to Chronotopos or submit a contribution.

Your Chronotopos editorial team


Important dates

  • Informal announcement of intention (to – 30th April 2020
  • Submission of articles (online) – 30th June 2020
  • Submission of book reviews & conference reports (online) 1st August 2020
  • Publication of fourth issue of Chronotopos – Autumn 2020



for registration, anouncement of intention, review and conference suggestions, questions and comments: